We all want clear, smooth and toned skin. It is why large emphasis is placed on the importance of having and committing to a skin care routine. Having one is supposed to help you take care of your skin in the most holistic way possible.

But if you’re still struggling to create your own routine, you’ll realize that the most challenging part is selecting the products that would work best for you. In truth, there is not a single beauty product that provides the exact same effect to all of its users, so mindfulness and thorough research are important.

More often than not, the results of beauty products on one’s skin rely heavily on the person’s skin type, and the severity of their skin issues. Sometimes, the beauty tools they use, whether it is a steamer or a simple jade facial roller, can also affect the way they look.

With all these intricacies in consideration, how can you determine if a beauty product should be included in your beauty routine? Here are a few points you need to consider:

What’s your skin type?

Is your skin, oily or dry? Maybe a combination of both? Most skin care products available in the market come with details on which skin types they work best. Knowing your skin type can help you understand which products are likely or less likely to work well on your skin.

Aside from that, knowing your skin type will guide you on what type of products are best included in your routine. If you have oily skin, for example, you might want to opt for a gentle cleanser so as not to strip off too much oil on the skin. Oily skin is usually the skin’s reaction to insufficient hydration on the skin’s surface. When you know what your skin type is, you get better understanding of what your skin’s needs are.


What are the basics?

In order to have a skin care routine that works for you, you’ll need to do your research. What are the most basic things you need to know to make sure you thoroughly cleanse your face? What are the essentials in skin care?

The most basic set of products you’ll need for your routine would be a cleanser, toner and moisturizer. But remember that it’s your skin care routine to tweak and customize. If you’re constantly exposed to the sun, a sunscreen with high SPF is a basic and essential part of your skin care routine. What are the challenges that your skin face every day (e.g. dust, pollution, sun exposure)? What products should you use to protect your skin from these challenges?

Are there beauty tools you can use?

Remember that skin care is not limited to using beauty creams and serums alone. You can also use beauty tools that help these products work better and faster on your skin. As mentioned earlier, you can use a steamer that can help your skin soften and open up the pores to allow beauty products to get absorbed better by the skin.

Another great beauty tool you can use is a jade facial roller. It’s an all-natural tool that promotes blood circulation, eliminates puffiness, and promotes lymphatic drainage and help in the skin absorption of beauty products like serums and creams.

Having a beauty tool that you can rely on can help you get the most of the beauty products you use on a daily basis. You can also use them every day for their own skin care benefits, which can further enhance the effect of your entire beauty routine.

Whatever products and tools you choose, remember to do thorough research first, before purchasing them. Also, feel free to add and deduct a few things in your routine as you deem necessary. Know that the only people who know what’s best for your skin are you and a dermatologist.

Lastly, remember to have fun. The best way for you to achieve that healthy, glowing skin is by enjoying a skin care routine that works well for you. Have fun and enjoy your everyday routine. In no time, you’ll see that your skin will radiate a youthful glow that’s captivating and nothing less than beautiful.

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Things To Remember When Creating A Skin Care Routine

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