I hate dandruff!  I am sure everyone does. In fact I suffer from this dandruff problem especially in winters which develops into itching and even hair fall, due to which I had to consult my family doctor many times… Isn’t it really irritating and leads to low self esteem when someone approaches and reminds you of a constant snow fall from your hair which rests on your shoulder? Or don’t you find it damn irritating when your finger nails are constantly itching and scratching your head? I guess this is one of the most serious hair problems that affect at least one person in every 5 persons and heavy dandruff is a condition which must be nipped in the bud. And as the winter is approaching, this problem becomes severe as our skin tends to get very dry. So the need arises to find out some ways that can be very helpful in tackling this hair problem. Let’s find out what are the reasons, types and remedies to control dandruff. Read on to know more:


Well! Dandruff can be of two types:

1)      Scurf or dry flanky scalp condition which leads to hair fall.
2)      The greasy condition which is also called seborrheic dermatitis and this type of dandruff is caused by over active sebaceous glands.

I hope you understood the types of dandruff and if not then simply keep in your mind that dandruff can lead to hair fall or even baldness. So scary!! This sounds just like a nightmare! Doesn’t it? You must be aware and in fact using or have used many creams, shampoos, anti-dandruff lotions and oils available in the market but you should also try to use some homemade remedies to tackle this hair fall problem and to take effective control of dandruff.

What are the Ways to Control Dandruff?

1)      The best way to control dandruff is by following a strict diet of Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin E and unrefined
2)     Hot oil treatment is one of the best and simplest ways to tackle dandruff. Take some hot olive and almond oil or Aloe Vera and massage it into scalp. Wrap up a towel around the head and later rinse off.

3)      You can also try out massaging hot oil into the scalp and leave it overnight.
4)     Once in a week, apply well beaten raw egg to scalp.

5)      If brandy is applied on scalp then it will clear the dandruff.

6)       You can mix cedar vinegar in hot water and apply it over the scalp, leave it overnight and wash off using an egg shampoo.
7)      Make a mixture of four tablespoons of camphor water with four tablespoons of whey. Apply it on scalp and wash off the after 3-4 hours.
8)      Grind some fresh methi leaves and make a paste to apply on scalp. Wash it off after fifteen minutes.

9)      Mixture of coconut milk with hot water and lemon juice. Make a solution and apply on the scalp, leave for half an hour and rinse off.


10)  You can also use some good anti-dandruff shampoo and protein rinse.
11)  If the problem is severe then consult your trichologist.


I hope you will find all these ways quite effective in tackling dandruff. In case you have some other remedies in your mind then you are most welcome to share J

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Hot Tips To Tackle Dandruff This Winter

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