As we all know that oily skin gets us into trouble many times such as pimples, breakouts and blackheads due to excess production of oil secreting glands. Cause for acne breakout is excess production of sebum. This is highly incident during puberty. Other reasons for breakouts are oily food, high stress level, genes and neglecting skin hygiene. Stop picking your acne and pimples; follow a routine to cleanse your face in the morning and at night with some best face wash available in the market. Today I have compiled the list of best face washes for oily skin available in Indian market which are quite effective in fighting pimples. Top ten face washes are listed below in random order:
- It prevents excess secretion of sebum.
- It has tea tree oil as its main ingredient.
- This treats blemishes, blackheads and breakouts.
- Does not over dry the skin.
- Removes excess oil from the skin.
- Does not the skin dry and dull.
- Makes skin clear.
- It has tea tree extracts as its main ingredients.
- Removes excess oil from the face.
- It does not over dry the skin.
- Has anti-microbial activity and is rich in anti-oxidants.
- Regular use of this face wash will lessen the excess secretion of sebum
- Reduces blemishes and gives glowing fresh look to face.
5. Clean and Clear Foaming Facial Wash:
- OIL-FREE, wont clog pores.
- Helps prevent oily shine & pimples.
- It is oil free and prevents excess secretion of sebum.
- Reduces oily shine on face.
- It heals pimples and acne prone skin.
- Removes excess oil from face
- People with very sensitive and dry skin should avoid this.
- A gentle cleaner for your face.
- Adds glow to your skin.
- Regular application reduces excess oil and impurities.
- Gently removes excess oil and impurities from face.
- Good for oil skin
- Gives moisturizing effect and matt finish.
- This product claims to be consists of Aloe Vera, Tulsi and Neem.
- Reduces oil on face and makes the skin debris free.
- Reduces excess secretion of oil
- Active ingredients removes bacteria from skin and clears the pores.