Girls! You must have heard of Racerback tops. I simply love this kind of top’s, So today I will be sharing something about styling these racerbacks with you. Well let me give you a quick introduction to this racerback top. It’s a top with two big cut-outs on the back; traditionally these are associated with swimwear and sportswear.
This kind of top has various sensuous and sexy versions with slip dresses and tanks that can make for a day as well as the evening wear.
How to style it right?
If you are going for a brunch date with the girls, slip on a racerback maxi with a pair of glided creepers to add a funky look.
And if you want to look hot and sexy for a sensuous evening pair a racerback neon tank with high-waist cigarette pants and a pair of a beautiful classic back heels.
And if you wanna show your back and have long hairs then top knot to show off the back.
So girls what’s your take on the Racerback Top?