Wearing a chic Turquoise & Gold Jumpsuit and a Guess jacket, Priyanka Chopra was recently seen at a party organised by renowned Bollywood director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, which was thrown on Priyanka’s honour only. Miss Pee Chee opted for purple peep-toes along with a grey Chanel Oversized clutch which looked good. I wish she should have opted for only one of these two at a time to shine and highlight but after seeing the whole look, I can say that she looked great and really stylish..
What say? Do you like? 🙂
Image Credit: Viral Bhayani
Priyanka Chopra is a fashion icon and carries everything so well , nice post dear
Thanks Nats 🙂 Glad you like the post 🙂
Thats indeed an interesting pairing but somehow the look works really well 🙂
priyanka’s style is always different and lovely