Jacqueline Fernandez attended the trailer launch of her upcoming movie ‘Kick’ wearing a lovely pale blue Shehlaa lehenga. She kept her hair open in soft waves and completed the look with a haath phool(hand harness), basic earrings and soft pink lips. Overall she looked beautiful and refreshing, though there is nothing extraordinary about the outfit, it is simple yet so lovely 🙂 . I guess the color is really working on Jacqueline or maybe it is her pretty face and radiance which is making the whole look work 😉 .
What say gals??
Image Source: Viral Bhayani
she looks beautiful
she’s stunning!
She looks beautiful, loved the choli 🙂
What a woman! What a style! Keep in touch.
She looks gorgeous and I love her dress too 🙂
Luv d color.. I soo want a haath phool 🙁
simple and beautiful 🙂