Getting up on a beautiful morning and having a sore throat is something we have all experienced. And I must confess, it spoils quite a lot of things as a bad start in the day makes things bad. So today we will talk about things which you can use to make it better and nothing is better than a perfect drink and today we will tell you of as many as 5 such types that will make your day.

Well it is also important to know what sore throat is, for the explanation, it is a condition in which pharynx is inflamed. It is the tube stretching to the esophagus (food pipe) from the end of the mouth.TEA REMEDIES FOR SORE THROAT

Ginger Tea:

This is one of the most common and also effective remedies for sore throat. The ingredients are very familiar and can be easily found in all homes, which are, milk, tea leaves, sugar, and ginger. Some people also prefer honey over sugar and some like it without milk. It depends on choice and taste. It has anti- inflammatory properties and thus helps in relaxing the strained throat muscles.

Cinnamon Tea:

This is a type of spice which can be used to flavor tea and aid in bettering the problem of sore throat. The ingredients and procedure are the same as in ginger tea, but also adding cinnamon. This not only tastes unique but this ingredient helps the recovery of the throat faster.

Honey And Lemon Tea:

This one in my favorite both in taste and in effect. Honey has anti-microbial properties and in short helps in healing. It also helps in forming a layer on throat which helps in aid and also prevents further deterioration. In addition lemon water has properties which help in neutralizing throat problems. The ingredients involved are water, lemon and honey. But if you want you can also add ginger. Even though no tea is involved this one is a perfect remedy therefore included this one.

Turmeric Drink:

Turmeric is one of the most common and widely used things in the kitchen. Due to the antioxidants and nutrients it has, it is widely used for a variety of purposes. The taste, if alone turmeric is used might be odd so ingredients like honey, ginger, water or even milk may be used. Some people even prefer to drink it mixed in a lemon juice with honey. The point is however you may opt for having it, it shall surely help you better your sore throat and might prove to be more effective than even those expensive trips to doctors.

Green Tea:

This one not only helps in curing sore throat but also has numerous other benefits. It helps reducing weight and boosts immunity. The antioxidants give us great benefits. To every ones luck there is some variety in green tea flavors these days, amongst which one can choose what one wants. The elements involved and also the method are quite common and simple respectively. Take a cup full of water, boil the water. Then put in the tea bag or tea leaves and your green tea is ready. Some people prefer drinking it with lemon juice and honey mixed. You can choose what suits you.


Categories: Health

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